Friday, August 6, 2010

Day 2 VR6 Engine Tear Down

Today Vinny and I started to remove everything from the exhaust side of the engine.

We started by removing the remaining plug wires followed by the exhaust manifold heat shield. Then we removed the exhaust manifolds, with was a BIG PIA! Two of the bolts holding the right manifold were rounded off so the only way I could remove the bolts was to grind off the bolt. Only problem with that is I ground into one of the studs for the exhaust manifold so I'm sure that will have to be replaced.


Next We removed the all the related EGR equipment


So it was time to hook up the long block to the engine lift and disconnect it from the engine stand.

Next and you'll all love this; we loaded the engine onto a cargo carrier I picked up for the van and prayed to God that we didn't lose the engine on the way to the shop.




Well, Vinny and I made it to the shop to drop off the engine. Hopefully we'll have an answer mid next week. While at the shop ( the owner Tom will tear the engine down and check it out to see what we have to work work. The kid I bought the car from said he bent a valve. From what i understand it's pretty difficult to bend a valve and if you do it's not just one; it's several. My theory is the timing chains were the cause of the bent valve.

Day 1 VR6 Engine Tear Down

Today I started to remove all the accessories off of the engine in prep for taking it to the shop for them to open her up and tell me what the damage is.
Here is what I started with tonight


First thing I did was drain the oil. Next i removed the alternator (upper left) and the A/C Compressor (lower left). Then the accessory brackets, coolant pipe (black pipe runs across the engine), oil filter canister (lower middle) and the oil cooler (just up and to the right of that).


Next i removed the lower intake manifold and the gasket.

The I carefully removed the wire harness, thermostat, and coolant pipe, oil filter canister, and cooler
